Saturday, 27 July 2013

Follow The Backpack Blues on Facebook!

Recently, The Backpack Blues has been getting a lot of new visitors – I'm chuffed to see my blog growing! If you'd like to keep up with me on a more regular basis, I invite you to like my official page on Facebook, which can be found here.

On the page I'll post new blog entries, frequent status updates and everything relating to travel... Think wish lists, interesting finds on other websites and random mind blurbs. Everything that makes my clock tick, really!

Of course I want you to join in on the conversation! I can learn a lot from you guys, so if you have any tips or stories, don't hesitate to share them with me on my Facebook page or in the comments below. Thank you!

P.S. You can also follow me on Bloglovin! Click on the Eiffel Tower on the left side of the page or click here.

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