Saturday, 3 August 2013

Saturday Snapshot #5: Footie

For a linguist/sociologist like me, attending a 'footie' match really is an exciting event. I'm a sucker for entertaining football, but there's something magical about listening to and looking at supporters in their most vulnerable position, i.e. when they are cheering for their club. Odd word combinations, local slang and emotional exclamations coming from seemingly well-mannered gents and die-hard fans: it fascinates me. My Rotterdam accent also becomes ten times stronger when surrounded by locals.

Whenever I'm in the Netherlands, I make sure I watch my team – Sparta Rotterdam – play in the flesh.  Founded on 1 April 1888, it is the oldest football club in the country. On the photo you can actually see the remnants of Sparta's (more successful) past: a small castle that was incorporated into the stadium's design in 1916. It's beautiful! I even spotted some tourists today that came just to see 'Het Kasteel'.

Although my team has been playing in the second division for quite some time now, I still enjoy attending the occasional match when I'm around. Today I saw the opening game of the season: Sparta - Jong PSV. I won't bother you with the final score (cough cough)... Let's just say I had a great time, chatting to fellow 'Spartanen', cheering for my team and catching some sunshine from the stands.

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