Tuesday, 11 June 2013

In Pictures: The Land of the Surf

Every year, tourists flock to the Basque Country to conquer the majestic waves of the Bay of Biscay on a surfboard. Although I haven't tried my luck at surfing (yet), weather conditions will be optimal tomorrow, which makes it awfully tempting to take up a class. Luckily, I live a mere 30-minute metro ride away from Sopelana, a popular surf spot nestled in between two green cliffs.

Apart from Sopelana, there are a string of other beaches in the Basque Country that provide excellent surfing conditions, such as Mundaka, Bakio, San Sebastián and, on the other side of the border, Biarritz. It's not surprising that the region is also known as 'The Land of the Surf'! Even though I'm quite the surf noob, I do love looking at people riding the waves and paddling in the water.

Over the course of time, I've seen several beaches along the Basque Coast, in France as well as Spain, boasting a prevalent surf culture. This is my photo report!

All photos by ©Maaike


  1. Ah, fijn sfeertje!
    Ik weet nog dat ik op m'n 15/16e ofzo eens in San Sébastian was, en daar was het inderdaad ook heel fijn :)

    Enne, beetje off-topic, maar wat een fijne rok heb je aan!

  2. Wat grappig! SS is inderdaad erg mooi: leuk ook dat het surfstrand midden in de stad ligt. En dankje!


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