Saturday, 15 June 2013

Saturday Snapshot #2: Last Day in Bilbao

What is home? Is home the place where we grew up, or the place we live? The place where we feel safest? And is it possible to have several homes?

These questions might be answered differently by each and one of you. Perhaps you don't have clear-cut answers, like me. While I will always feel 'at home' in the Netherlands, with my family, I have grown accustomed to different places around the world, too. To Liverpool and Christchurch, for example.

I can now add another home to the list: Bilbao. When I walked past Plaza Moyúa today, one of Bilbao's public squares, I realised that I will miss this city and its green hills, clean streets and cheap chorizo.

Agur, Euskal Herria; goodbye, Basque Country! Onto a new adventure. :-)

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